National Safe Digging Week is an annual awareness week that aims to promote good practices for digging and helps to reduce the risk of cable strikes to your workforce. It promotes safe methods and aims to share and highlight the dangers of digging. Here at Safe Excavation, we promote the vacuum method of excavation as being the safest most efficient way to clear earth or debris from your site.

July is National Safe Digging Month

National Safe Digging Week runs from the 8th of July to the 14th of July and brings attention to the inherent risks of digging. Previously, National Safe Digging Week was in September, but it was moved to July, to align with the busiest period of the year for groundwork. Many people take advantage of the longer day length and better weather conditions of this time of year, to focus on their groundwork. However, the risk of this increased activity is further compounded by the fact that many people take annual leave at this time of year, often resulting in higher usage of temporary workforce which can add to the risk during this time.

Benefits of Safe Digging

Cable strikes can be deadly, and taking steps to mitigate this risk is crucial to keep your workforce safe. Not only do cable strikes pose a risk to your workforce but also to your project. Projects can be financially derailed by the impact of cable strikes. Choosing a safe method of digging such as vacuum excavation benefits your workforce and your project security.

Safe Digging Guide and Best Practices

Planning Your Dig – Planning is a vital part of carrying out a safe dig. Ensuring that you know exactly where you are digging, choosing the best method, and safeguarding your workforce, are all part of planning for a successful dig.

Marking and Locating Utilities – Ideally you should have a utility plan, which will show you where any utilities present on your site are located. However, these plans are often old or outdated and don’t show the complete picture. Careful study of the site is a crucial step that needs to be undertaken before you start digging. Once located, ensure that all utilities are clearly marked so that everyone on site knows where they are.

Digging Safely – We always promote vacuum excavation as the safest digging method. Vacuum excavation is the best option for clearing earth or debris in nearly every situation. It is safe, quick and cost-effective.

How to Observe National Safe Digging Month 2024?

Part of your duties towards your workforce is to promote safe practice. From wearing the correct PPE to promoting National Safe Digging Week, anything that you can do to highlight risk, educate your workforce and encourage safety is beneficial. Use this awareness week as an opportunity to emphasise the risk of cable strikes and promote best practices. You could share posters in key areas, or discuss safe digging in your site meetings. You know what works best for your workforce.

How Safe Excavation Can Help?

Here at Safe Excavation, we are on hand to help with your digging requirements. Whether you need urgent vacuum excavation for hire to clear a collapsed drain or are planning a future project, we have the capacity and knowledge to help. From inner city developments to rural locations, our vacuum excavators work across the country to provide safe and effective groundwork services to our customers. If you are looking for a vacuum excavator, then you have come to the right place. Speak to our professional and helpful team today, simply call us on 01634 505 505.


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